Pony Books:
RED CLAY COUNTRY (HARPER [USA] 1936) Quite rare. SUMMARY: A fox-hunting mystery story.
PONIES ON PARADE (DUTTON [USA] 1945) ILLUSTRATED BY THE AUTHOR Reprinted in hardback by original publisher. SUMMARY: A number of ponies tell their stories. Based on the author's own horses.
COME AWAY (A. S. BARNES [USA] 1948) ILLUSTRATED BY Reprinted by original publisher in 1967 SUMMARY: Young Colin, although bright, is dyslexic and has speech problems, resulting in a lack of confidence and a dearth of friends. However when his father takes him to a local stables where he is doing some work, Colin finds himself drawn to the horses. The stable manager befriends him and lets him work there in exchange for riding. Gradually Colin finds confidence in himself and his own abilities and sets out to rescue a neglected filly so he can have a horse of his own. Read Review
THE HAPPY YEAR (CHANNEL PRESS [USA] 1963) ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOGRAPHS SUMMARY: Blend of fact and fiction. A girl named Jennifer and a horse named Mr. Buttercup join the New Cannan Mounted Troop.
SHAGGY LITTLE BURRO OF SAN MIGUEL (DUELL, SLOANE & PIERCE [USA] 1965) ILLUSTRATED BY BETTY FRASER SUMMARY: Younger reader's story set in Mexico. Peludo, the shaggy little burro, makes friends with a boy named Paco. With Paco's devoted care the shaggy burro is shaggy no longer!
SUSAN AND JANE LEARN TO RIDE (MacRAE SMITH [USA] 1965) ILLUSTRATED BY ROBERT L. JEFFERSON SUMMARY: Riding and horse care instruction in the form of a story about two girls learning about ponies and how to ride.
SKY ROCKET THE STORY OF A LITTLE BAY HORSE (DODD, MEAD & CO [USA] 1970) ILLUSTRATED BY SAM SAVITT SUMMARY: Pony point-of-view story based on an ill-treated pony rescued by the author. A boy at the New Canaan Mounted Troop helps rescue and rehabilitate a talented thoroughbred who has been badly treated.
Collector's Info: In general these are reasonably easy to find in the USA, although one or two titles (Sky Rocket, Those Smith Kids) are slightly less common. Red Clay Country however is quite rare. All the books are much harder to find elsewhere, and can be expensive.